Mission Statement
A spark can start a fire; as a firefighter, I believe in the fire triangle. But as a Christian, my testimony is proof of that spark starting a fire. Ever since I was little, my world was filled with looking up to the men and women who wear a uniform. I was inspired by my dad, who was an Air Force veteran. I never knew why waving at fire engines and telling a soldier,Thank you for your service, made me so happy. Later on in life, I will learn why; it's because Jesus had put a fire in my heart. Since I had this spark as a kid, little did I know I would soon fight different types of fire. The world felt like an arsonist starting wildfires of destruction. Burning down everything I love, taking everyone I love. My parents were both taken away from me as a teenager; I didn't know why my life was burning. All I knew was heat, fuel, and oxygen made a perfect fire triangle. When I was 15 years old, my hero passed away. I never cared about Batman or Superman. My Superman was my dad, Jesse Killebrew. Hearing his stories as an airman and him teaching me and my sibling self-defense stuck with me. When my mom and I got the news of my father's passing, I could only remember one thing from that day. It was a sheriff's deputy who held me, my mom, and my sisters. As George Strait says, "It's the heavy weight of the badge." Years later I keep thinking about how he must have felt that night. Telling 3 kids their dad is dead. How could he have made it easier if he could? I don't know how to answer that question, but I want to try and make that situation just a little bit easier for the next time a kid is grieving or just simply going to the hospital. Eventually my mother will pass, and by then I will learn the rules of foster care by the age of 17. Even though I was going through a difficult time, I found a passion for service through the Explorer program. Wanting to escape group homes and foster families, I would cope by dragging those learning manners into the fire service and dealing with people's problems at their worst. It felt good doing community events, and even as an explorer, kids saw me as an example despite what I was going through at home. I made it my mission to be the same person that I looked up to at the age of 5. Little did I know this was part of the fire that would help me grow into that person that I looked up to.
My mission is to have an organization that is fed by fundraising and donations from churches and small companies from across Southern California and, one day, the nation. We would be raising funds and getting donations of teddy bears to distribute to first responders all over California. We would get teddy bears and try to fill the need for teddy bears at fire stations and law enforcement stations across the state. Giving a child a teddy bear can inspire a spark in their heart. Every day kids ask for tours of fire engines and have a light and siren show in public. It would be amazing to give a kid a teddy bear to remember that moment. Who knows? That same kid could be a firefighter in the back seat one day. Through community outreach, caring for patients, and helping families feel close on their dark days, I believe my mission will set a spark in kids' hearts across the nation to become first responders and feel more safe.
I'm going to start small, contacting local agencies and seeing if they would be on board in staffing their units and engines with teddy bears from this organization. All they have to do is say yes and give them out to children in their communities. Behind the scenes, we will be running off of volunteers helping with fundraisers and events to spread the word to gain money for teddy bears & donations of teddy bears. We will be working with churches to make sure our mission stays a spirit-led mission taking on small businesses to help support our cause. With money donations, first responders would be able to put together care packages for a child across Southern California. This will allow a first responder to reach out and inform us of a child who could use more assistance from our nonprofit.
Please join me as I help build relationships with law enforcement, EMS care providers, & firefighters across Southern California.